Le personnage le plus connu de la scène Graffiti et le plus mystérieux, Banksy, a vu sa photo en première page des journaux anglais.

L’artiste qui vivait caché voit donc sa vue privée s’envoler, et même mise aux enchères.

Le texte :

If you win this auction I will mail you a piece of paper revealing the true identity of « Banksy ».

I have uncovered his identity by matching up the prices of his sold pieces to corresponding tax records. I will reveal no more details.

The winner of this auction is the only person I will ever share this information with. The piece of paper will say his name, nothing more.

I give you 100% assurance that it is most certainly the full name of the street artist known as « Banksy ».

Ebay previously ended this auction because I was selling something that was not « tangible ».
It is now tangible.